Since chip inductors has features such as miniaturization, high quality, high energy storage, and extremely low DCR, it has gradually replaced traditional plug-in inductors in many fields. As the electronic industry enters the era of miniaturization and flattening, chip inductors are increasingly used in a wider range of applications. At the same time, chip inductors smaller and smaller, which also brings difficulties to weld chip inductor.
Precautions for welding preheating
Due to its small and thin size, there are many differences between the soldering of chip inductors and plug-in inductors. What should be paid attention to when soldering chip inductors?
1. Before welding the chip inductor, it is necessary to pay attention to preheating to avoid thermal shock during welding.
2. The preheating temperature requires a slow rise, preferably 2 ℃/sec, and it should not exceed 4 ℃/sec.
3. Note the temperature difference between welding temperature and the surface temperature Generally, the temperature difference between 80 ℃ and 120 ℃ is normal.
4. During welding, it should be noted that thermal shock will increase with the increase of the chip inductor size or temperature.
Immersion of the end face of the chip inductor into a tin furnace at 235 ± 5 ℃ for 2 ± 1 seconds can achieve good soldering results.
Using flux during welding
Choosing a suitable soldering flux helps protect the inductor surface. Note the following points.
1.Note that there should be no strong acids in the flux when welding the inductor of the patch. It is commonly used to activate mild rosin flux.
2.If water-soluble flux is selected, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the substrate before welding.
3.On the premise of ensuring good welding, pay attention to using as little flux as possible.
Precautions for welding process
1.Use reflow soldering as much as possible to avoid manual soldering.
2.Note that wave soldering is not recommended for chip inductors larger than 1812 size. Because when the chip inductor is immersed in a molten welding wave, there will be a steep temperature rise, typically 240 ℃, which may cause inductor damage due to thermal shock.
3. Using an electric soldering iron to weld the chip inductor is not very suitable, but when in engineer research and development process, it is necessary to use an electric soldering iron to manual weld the chip inductors. Here are five things to note
(1) Preheat the circuit and inductor to 150 ℃ before manually welding
(2)The soldering iron should not touch the chip inductor body
(3)Use a soldering iron with 20 watts and 1.0 mm diameter
(4)The soldering iron temperature is 280 ℃
(5)The welding time shall not exceed three seconds
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
Post time: Mar-21-2023