The role of shielded chip inductors is different from that of general chip inductors. The general chip inductors are not shielded in the circuit. When used, the inductors in the circuit cannot achieve the desired effect, and the shielded chip inductors can be shielded. The instability of the current in some circuits plays a good blocking role. A metal shield with a complete shielding inductance surrounds the positively charged conductor, and the inside of the shield will induce the same amount of negative charge as the charged conductor. A positive charge equal to that of a charged conductor appears on the outside. If the metal shield is grounded, the positive charge on the outside will flow into the ground, and there will be no electric field on the outside, that is, the electric field of the positive conductor is shielded in the metal shield. The shielding inductance also plays a role of coupling in the circuit. In order to reduce the coupling interference voltage of the alternating electric field to the sensitive circuit, the inductance can be set with a metal shield with good conductivity between the interference source and the sensitive circuit. The metal shield is grounded.
Post time: Oct-22-2021