
Inductor coils are crucial components in electronic circuits, but their loss issues often puzzle designers. Understanding and addressing these losses can not only enhance the efficiency of inductor coils but also significantly improve the overall performance of circuits. This article delves into the sources of inductor coil losses and shares some effective solutions.

Coil Losses: The Impact of DCR and ACR

Inductor coil losses can be categorized into coil losses and core losses. In coil losses, direct current resistance (DCR) and alternating current resistance (ACR) are the main factors.

  1. Direct Current Resistance (DCR) Losses: DCR is closely related to the total length and thickness of the coil wire. The longer and thinner the wire, the higher the resistance and the greater the loss. Therefore, choosing the appropriate length and thickness of the wire is crucial for reducing DCR losses.
  2. Alternating Current Resistance (ACR) Losses: ACR losses are caused by the skin effect. The skin effect causes the current to be unevenly distributed within the conductor, concentrating on the surface of the wire, thereby reducing the effective cross-sectional area of the wire and increasing resistance as frequency increases. In coil design, special attention must be paid to the effects of high-frequency currents, and appropriate wire materials and structures should be selected to reduce ACR losses.

Core Losses: Hidden Energy Killers in Magnetic Fields

Core losses mainly include hysteresis losses, eddy current losses, and residual losses.

  1. Hysteresis Losses: Hysteresis losses are caused by the resistance encountered by magnetic domains when rotating in the magnetic field, preventing the magnetic domains from completely following the changes in the magnetic field, resulting in energy loss. Hysteresis losses are related to the hysteresis loop of the core material. Therefore, choosing core materials with smaller hysteresis loops can effectively reduce these losses.
  2. Eddy Current Losses: The magnetic field generated by the energized coil induces circular currents (eddy currents) in the core, which generate heat due to the core’s resistance, causing energy loss. To reduce eddy current losses, high-resistivity core materials can be selected, or laminated core structures can be used to block the formation of eddy currents.
  3. Residual Losses: These include other unspecified loss mechanisms, often due to material defects or other microscopic effects. Although the specific sources of these losses are complex, selecting high-quality materials and optimizing manufacturing processes can reduce these losses to some extent.

Effective Strategies to Reduce Inductor Coil Losses

In practical applications, to minimize inductor coil losses, designers can adopt the following strategies:

  • Select Appropriate Conductor Materials: Different conductor materials have varying resistance characteristics and skin effect impacts. Choosing materials with low resistivity and suitable for high-frequency applications can effectively reduce losses.
  • Optimize Coil Structure: A reasonable coil design, including winding method, number of layers, and spacing, can significantly affect the loss situation. Optimizing the structure can reduce DCR and ACR losses.
  • Use Low-Loss Core Materials: Selecting core materials with small hysteresis loops and high resistivity helps to reduce hysteresis and eddy current losses.

Inductor coil losses not only affect their own operational efficiency but also have a significant impact on the performance of the entire circuit system. Therefore, when designing and using inductor coils, it is essential to fully consider and minimize these losses to ensure the efficient operation and reliability of the circuit.

We hope this article helps you understand the mechanisms of inductor coil losses and provides some practical solutions. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please feel free to contact us.


Post time: Jul-01-2024