Common mode choke
Magnetic ring common mode inductors are widely used in refrigerators, washing machines, cameras, small-size fluorescent lamps, tape recorders, color TVs, etc. Among our common products, magnetic ring common mode inductors mainly suppress AC line common mode choke The flow loop conducts noise. With it, we don’t have to worry about signal blocking and interference when using these electronic products.
Used in AC tuner, fax, power supply, etc. Similar to the first point, the common-mode inductor mainly serves to suppress some of the messy output of the common-mode choke, and to accurately transmit the signal to the signal terminal.
Some partners have very high requirements for the inductance of the inductor. At this time, it is recommended to use the magnetic ring common mode inductor. The higher the magnetic permeability, the lower the temperature that the inductor can withstand. At the same time, we can also reduce the number of windings of the inductor coil and use large-diameter copper wire. Choose the right core according to your needs.